Friday, May 21, 2010

This is my last killer blog post. I’ve done some really cool things this year. The frontline things were really interesting. I also like the Food Inc. unit. Merchants of cool, was not my favorite section. It was not that interesting to me at all. We had gone through the advertising section already. So, it was more a review of what we knew already. Food Inc. was fun because we saw the other side of the grocery store. The fistulas were really gross looking, and the monopoly that some companies over everyone is redickulus. Reece and I had done frontline together. We had the military aspect of it. All the things about the drones and those soldiers still getting PTSD. Well it was all pretty good stuff. It was semi-cool.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food Inc. Response

I have been enlightened. I have now seen the other side. I now know that the other side is LIES. Food Inc. has shown me what some of the problems out food industry has. There are problems in every step, from how it is grown to when we, the consumer, buys this product. We are no longer able to get the required nutrition we need in order to keep our selves heathy at a fair price. We now have to pay to be healthy. This is because the system is no longer being monitored correctly. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is being controlled by the very people trying to profit off the food industry. The CEOs and Presidents of the food companys are becoming VIPs in the FDA and other food regulation organizations. They create the regulations that fit them best.

Tyoson Chicken is one of these big food companys that has this kind of control. They are able to make a lot of money with little expense for labor. They “import” workers from mexico to have them work in there chicken farms. Once they have no longer use for them they will call boarder patrol to come and get them to bring them back to mexico. There is also a consern with how the chickens are now grown. They will grow twice as big in half the time if they were to grow naturally. They stuff many chemicals into them and when we eat that chicken we are ingesting all those chemicals into us as well. There is something similar going on with cows now too. Cows have evolved to be able to eat grass. Well now we are feeding them corn because its cheaper. Now serious consequences have arised because of this. Cows are now producing E-Coli. E-Coli is a deathly disease that is produced from cows eating corn. Many people have died from eating this tainted meat. Cow farmers have placed fistulas inside the cows to help prevent them from developing E-Coli. A fistula is a hole cut into the side of the cow to see into on of its stomaches. Now farmers can clean the E-Coli out before it get into the meat of the cow.

Corn is a major part of the food company today. Corn is used in about 90% of everything a person buys at the grocery store. Only about 5% of the corn grown is sweet corn, the corn we eat. The rest is used to make other chemicals and products that is now essential to just about everything we eat. The reason why most consumers are ignorent to this is because they use technical scientific terms that the uneducated in that field would not understand. This has come to be because of money. Corn is cheap, but we have made it so versitile that the moajority that we eat comes from this little kernal of corn.

This chain still continues downward all the way to the seed of the plant. Companys have found a way to geneticly engenier a soybean seed to be immune to a certain kind of plant killer. This means that farmers won't have to worry about whether they will kill the plant when they use this pestisied. The company that has invented this bean is Monsanto. This is one of those companys that have their people working in the food regulation organizations. Monsanto has made it illegal for farmers to plant just about nothing but their seed. This is a complete monopoly for this industry, and all they're conserned about is their own profites.

This video has shown how our food has been coropted and there is little if nothing we can do about it. I think it is also a message hinting to the coruptive power of money. It seems if you have enough money in todays society you can do any thing you want with no consequences. Thats what all these companys were conserned about was their own profit. It didn't matter that a few people died just because they made things cheaper for themselves. This is plain greed that killed these people.